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16/10/2017 03:48:34

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
Hello fellow creatives, I'd like to start by saying how great it is that Muvizu is still here.
Now, I'd also like to start this thread for you to tell everybody how you are doing on your creative journey, be it with Muvizu, Iclone, Moviestorm, art, Music, 2D or 3D animation.
Everybody uses Muvizu for different reasons, so tell us what it is, and what you hope to achieve with it.

Go on, pour your heart out.

I personally have been using Muvizu since its Beta days, and if it wasn't for Muvizu I would not have made the creative stuff I've achieved in Moviemaking and Animation.
I've come to realize that as I get older, that there are not that many creative people with drive to make animation or Movies out there, and that we are a unique breed to do it successfully.
What I'm trying to get at is that we are a small pool of creative talent surrounded by an hungry viewing population of non creative people, so what I'm saying is, we need each other, period.

When I first used Muvizu, what I love most was its distinctly British Humour value. Everybody at the time were churning funny, cheeky videos out and everbody including the Muvizu team.
This feedback kept me going, it gave me strenth to continue.
We need this back.

My own personal creative journey is still going, but as you may experience it will falter at some point. This get's you down, this makes you sad, and this stops you making stuff.
Moviemaking is a passion for crazy people, honestly, why would anybody stay up till all hours, trying to finish something that only last for 5 mins!!!! But, when it's done, boy does it feel satisfying. And even better when you get comments from your fellow creatives.
So, I'm still here, trying to get movies done, 3D, 2D with my small amount of time I get.
I know, I must be nuts right? But I love it.

So, come on in out of the rain, lets all start again, forget about all the riffs and spats, or disagreements we've had in the past, lets move on, lifes to short.
Lets all support each other again, like in the beginning, let's.
get back to making small, less complex videos, Muvizu style, me included.
I'm guilty myself for taking too long to make something Lol 😂
So come on all the ol boys and girls out there, you know who you are 😊
Lets get back to how it was, fun fun fun and more Fun..

So, Hello, I'm Artpen, pleased to meet you again........
18/05/2022 09:45:59

Posts: 1
artpen wrote:
Hello fellow creatives, I'd like to start by saying how great it is that Muvizu is still here.
Now, I'd also like to start this thread for you to tell everybody how you are doing on your creative journey, be it with Muvizu, Iclone, Moviestorm, art, Music, 2D or 3D animation.
Everybody uses Muvizu for different reasons, so tell us what it is, and what you hope to achieve with it.

Go on, pour your heart out.

I personally have been using Muvizu since its Beta days, and if it wasn't for Muvizu I would not have made the creative stuff I've achieved in Moviemaking and Animation.
I've come to realize that as I get older, that there are not that many creative people with drive to make animation or Movies out there, and that we are a unique breed to do it successfully.
What I'm trying to get at is that we are a small pool of creative talent surrounded by an hungry viewing population of non creative people, so what I'm saying is, we need each other, period.

When I first used Muvizu, what I love most was its distinctly British Humour value. Everybody at the time were churning funny, cheeky videos out and everbody including the Muvizu team.
This feedback kept me going, it gave me strenth to continue.
We need this back.

My own personal creative journey is still going, but as you may experience it will falter at some point. This get's you down, this makes you sad, and this stops you making stuff.
Moviemaking is a passion for crazy people, honestly, why would anybody stay up till all hours, trying to finish something that only last for 5 mins!!!! But, when it's done, boy does it feel satisfying. And even better when you get comments from your fellow creatives.
So, I'm still here, trying to get movies done, 3D, 2D with my small amount of time I get.
I know, I must be nuts right? But I love it.

So, come on in out of the rain, lets all start again, forget about all the riffs and spats, or disagreements we've had in the past, lets move on, lifes to short.
Lets all support each other again, like in the beginning, let's.
get back to making small, less complex videos, Muvizu style, me included.
I'm guilty myself for taking too long to make something Lolplay tic tac toe
So come on all the ol boys and girls out there, you know who you are 😊
Lets get back to how it was, fun fun fun and more Fun..

So, Hello, I'm Artpen, pleased to meet you again........

When I initially started using Muvizu, the feature that I loved the most about it was how uniquely British its sense of humor is. This has remained my favorite component of the program ever since. As I continued to use Muvizu, this remained my absolute favorite aspect of the program. During the time period in question, everyone, including the crew at Muvizu, was consistently making videos that were both humorous and irreverent.
19/05/2022 19:45:09

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 307
Funny old place that's for sure. I got here in its death throws and benefited from the years of hard work and dedication of its members who provided tutorials and work arounds to make the software Buzz, Throb and Zing. Some kind of War went on..Dunno? twas above my head? The talent went to 'Facebook Muvizu'. I would too but i cant abide Facebook always disliked it's bitty disjointed feel.
20/05/2022 22:29:27

Posts: 169
A number of years ago while recovering from heart surgery I was stuck at home bored out of my mind. I discovered Bitstrips, an automated comic strip making website that was just starting out. The software was more sophisticated than the usual thing you find on the net and I discovered that I really enjoyed creating jokes and stories with it. It eventually was eclipsed by another offering by them called Bitmoji. Snapchat bought the works and shut the comic making site down.
I tried hand drawing and although I managed to do a reasonable job, I found it very laborious and I began looking for another creative outlet. I eventually found Muvizu which has similarities to the comic software but of course, is far more powerful. Although I can draw, I already know I don't have the talent to animate but Muvizu gets me around that and being 3D it is so much better. I am sorry that I appear to have found it when it's been bought by a company that clearly doesn't care to support it properly. Hopefully, despite that, I can get a few years of enjoyment out of it before I have to search for something else again.
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