drewi - all messages by user

2019/1/3 10:28:04
Mark Time! My latest video complete. Very enjoyable.
2017/11/19 21:34:21
Unable To Use License Key 'but old licences wont work why should they ?'
perhaps because of loyalty, honour, decency, goodwill ?
2017/11/10 1:38:07
Some news on Meshmellow's progress this was posted on Zuchat facebook group today

By shivang.sarawagi

Just in case if you are facing any problems with Muvizu.
Customer service
MP:17602119942/Tel:86 21 5539-6596

I lost my license. Formatted my laptop. He gave me another license key. Plus he can converse in english.

2017/10/30 6:29:44
Unlimited licencing question Up and running for the Christmas market? Only the zaniest enterprise would miss out on such an economy boosting opportunity..errm..err.. surely?
2017/10/21 1:09:45
Texture love... Anybody download that texture generator prog from the 'Give away of the day' site last year? Called Filter Forge 5.. A brilliant prog i thought, copyright free output 'n' all that.
Apparently we wont be able to use the 'download more textures' part of the prog after the end of October.
The prog will still work fine, even the texture creation part of the prog which i never got to grips with.....
Anyways get downloading as many 'texture bases' as you can or fancy now, before the deadline.
edited by drewi on 2017/10/21
2017/4/26 10:29:50
SKETCHUP TO MUVIZU Sounds very interesting do you have a link? i'm assuming it's a plugin for paint.net
AH!! ithink you mean it's paint 3d from microsoft you need latest win 10 and a drawing tablet maybe?
also to join the windows insider programme.
edited by drewi on 26/04/2017
2017/4/24 17:42:24
New sets Beautiful work and great fun Clayster, i am humbled by your creativity and generosity.
2017/4/23 14:25:17
Unable To Use License Key Forgive me for labouring the point but i was about to buy two character packs 5.99 each.A trembling finger on the pay to digimania....
when i got the fear!!!
Am i right in thinking that if i did go ahead and purchase, that would alter my product code and i'd have to click the upgrade button in Muvizu and enter the new code....but it might come back with an error code and i would lose Muvizu for ever and ever.....gulp!!...whimper!!
Have joined zuchat now.
2017/4/23 12:23:03
Unable To Use License Key cheers for the reply mr drwho13. but on reflection i'm too frightened of losing muvizu now.
2017/4/23 10:53:30
Unable To Use License Key Wondering if it's safe to still purchase character sets.Anyone done that in the last few days?
2017/4/11 1:39:22
NEW VERSION RELEASE When i first used Muvizu Xvid worked as a codec for avi backdrops .I wonder if that will comeback one day because it was very convenient.
Maybe it had to be sacrificed to make room for something else.I had old versions that still worked with the xvid codec but was advised to uninstall all previous versions to get an issue with .set thumbnails to work.I got the thumbnails back but couldn't get my old muvizu versions
back as admin told me they were too old to be reactivated...Anyways I think about it every day.Bit Wonky..
2017/4/10 10:35:06
custom character and action , Muvizu style Well done Pat, immense work and big thanks for posting. Cool
2017/4/5 13:37:06
Period Dress Wanted errm?...

2017/3/30 10:45:32
Multimesh animation I would like to but cant get my head around it.
2017/3/27 20:26:06
27/3/17 today only Oops!! well done BigWally.. forgot to put the link up.Yeah good point Pat. 'Give Away of the day' Progs have to be installed and registered on the day..
Also for those not familiar with Filter Frge .. it's installed initially with a number of given textures. that's only the start, you can download thousands more for free from within the prog.
2017/3/27 11:27:14
27/3/17 today only Giveaway of the day-free today a program that i think you all should get .believe me.
Filter forge 5 pro.Get this prog now...dooid ..do it doo ut......errm du yt!.
it will allow you to download thousands of textures all of which are editable and the prog is both standalone and can be a plug in for photoshop.Cool
2017/3/15 2:33:45
Lobby Cam, Chapter One In Love@martha
2017/3/14 15:19:43
Adding My Face Experiment with the uv maps that come with these characters..backward engineer?...they will perhaps give clues to placement of the key features and blending.
The mouth area needs to be elongated slightly to fit with the muvizu character i've found.
open up the textures with the edit button for the characters texture map.
For the boy figure.
and Beefy ...just replace the key facial feature area with your own.
2017/3/6 23:25:20
Multimesh animation Rip roaring, bracing, exciting, innovating and other words like that.
2017/3/1 23:15:35
Editing costumes in house muvizu control. The problem of PAINT taking control of the image edit in Muvizu persisted for me in win 10.
The problem was highlighted by guys in the chat area recently.
Some had no problem and photoshop defaulted for them. so i thought there must be a solution. I found this video.

I have just got photoshop to be the default art edit software activated by Muvizu using the method highlighted in the video.
Worked in win 10 and 7.
Thought it was worth a post.
edited by drewi on 02/03/2017
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