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Home ? Your Videos ? Buzzball Day 3

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17/12/2015 02:15:32

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
What can I say, Buzzball is on duty again guys! Whaaaaa? happy Xmas everybody enjoy

This is dedicated to Danimal

edited by artpen on 17/12/2015
edited by artpen on 17/12/2015
17/12/2015 07:22:38

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Brilliant as always! It really is Christmas with all these excellent videos appearing!

I loved the way you moved the camera just as if it were being held.
17/12/2015 16:17:14

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Yeah, like how it's shot, especially how the camera gets 'dropped' at the end - good one Thumbs Up
17/12/2015 20:25:26

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
excellent in every way!

I especially like the concept of a clueless "defender of the innocent" who interferes in situations he doesn't understand and makes things worse. It's really not all that far removed from local politics.

I also like the idea that the clueless hero hosts an online blog defending his fiascos by spinning what happened into a version that makes him proud and all the more a self-sacrificing martyr... Again, not much different than the current political reality. ( Except they use the mainstream media for their spin, not just a blog.)

As already noted, the dropped camera was a great idea, one I wish I had thought of first (but since you thought of it first, I may have to steal it later) ;-)

I also liked the way you used the Hitchcock technique of IMPLYING his climb up the ladder by showing the onlookers watching with heads raised. What a great workaround for any scene that would be hard to render with the built-in muvizu actions!

I thought this was masterful in so many ways, you inspire me to take this a lot more seriously. The true craft here is really in the directing, and since muvizu frees us from getting bogged down in the mechanics of making the animation , there is leeway to work at a higher level. Your work is a good example of that. As I watch this (and some of the other forum members works) I realize that my own thinking is still trapped in the old paradigm of simply animating a scene. But what YOU and others here are doing is to create something much more imaginative and compelling! Great job! More!
edited by PatMarrNC on 19/12/2015
17/12/2015 22:21:56

toonaramaMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 661
So much to admire and like about this but I think the best thing about it is the way you have truly nailed the head and expression animation. I don't think anyone has made such a good job of this with Muvizu before and considering the limits of the software you have done an incredible job. You have also made him a believable character.
17/12/2015 23:03:56

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
I agree with all that has been said ,very accomplished in so many areas.
But the ladders dimensions are bugging me...Why are the rungs so far apart.
Must be deliberate.
18/12/2015 02:43:13

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I'm curious to know.. why isn't it possible to comment on the videos displayed on user's profile page?
18/12/2015 14:29:27

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
A little while ago Google decided to destroy youtube's usefulness (and sense of community) by making comments possible only if you a G+ account (a third rate facebook clone). Third party sites have had issues with the latest changes made this year, and continue to do so by the looks of it.
18/12/2015 15:07:38

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
Google changes their api like every other week so Muvizu just probably surrendered. LOL.
18/12/2015 16:40:10

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
artpen wrote:
What can I say, Buzzball is on duty again guys! Whaaaaa? happy Xmas everybody enjoy

This is dedicated to Danimal

edited by artpen on 17/12/2015
edited by artpen on 17/12/2015

I loved your video man, it made me laugh, hope to see more soon!
18/12/2015 18:12:20

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
toonarama wrote:
So much to admire and like about this but I think the best thing about it is the way you have truly nailed the head and expression animation. I don't think anyone has made such a good job of this with Muvizu before and considering the limits of the software you have done an incredible job. You have also made him a believable character.

Yes, the way the character looks away when he speaks conveys body language that reveals more about the character, but which most animation software would make so difficult that the animator would probably not bother. Very cool!
19/12/2015 13:31:19

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
MrDrWho13 wrote:
Brilliant as always! It really is Christmas with all these excellent videos appearing!

I loved the way you moved the camera just as if it were being held.

Thanks Doc, I'm pleased you get the way Buzzball is shot.

I'll be doing some more next year sometime! They could be smaller episodes dealing with Buzzballs personal life... spoiler

All the best artpen
edited by artpen on 19/12/2015
19/12/2015 13:37:41

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
ziggy72 wrote:
Yeah, like how it's shot, especially how the camera gets 'dropped' at the end - good one Thumbs Up

Thanks ziggs!
19/12/2015 14:21:09

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
PatMarrNC wrote:
excellent in every way!

I especially like the concept of a clueless "defender of the innocent" who interferes in situations he doesn't understand and makes things worse. It's really not all that far removed for local politics.

I also like the idea that the clueless hero also hosts an online blog defending his fiascos by spinning what happened into a version that makes him proud and all the more a self-sacrificing martyr... Again, not much different than the current political reality. ( Except they use the mainstream media for their spin, not just a blog.)

As already noted, the dropped camera was a great idea, one I wish I had thought of first (but since you thought of it first, I may have to steal it later)

I also liked the way you used the Hitchcock technique of IMPLYING his climb up the ladder by showing the onlookers watching with heads raised. What a great workaround for any scene that would be hard to render with the built-in muvizu actions!

I thought this was masterful in so many ways, you inspire me to take this a lot more seriously. The true craft here is really in the directing, and since muvizu frees us from getting bogged down in the mechanics of making the animation , there is leeway to work at a higher level. Your work is a good example of that. As I watch this (and some of the other forum members works) I realize that my own thinking is still trapped in the old paradigm of simply animating a scene. But what YOU and others here are doing is to create something much more imaginative and compelling! Great job! More!

Why thankyou, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Yep, Muvizu is ALL ABOUT THE DIRECTING... THE ONLY ANIMATION INVOLVED IS THE HEAD, Eyes, and expression slider.....

Muvizu is an Moviemaking tool, with its prime focus on DIRECTING your puppet... not animating your puppet.. the hard work is done for you, and this frees you to truly get your vision onto the screen, and think, not animate, like how a film Director makes his movies.
Im glad you are inspired to get more creative with your shots.
My advice is to watch how old movie directors took short cuts to get round difficult shots, or lack of special affects ect...
It works! If you have a good script, start planning, get your voice work done, get all yor assets together, then set your scene, get all the lighting done, honestly, Muvizu lets you think like a Movie director, sit back, move those Cameras about like if you are really on the set, it's total freedom, use it, dont rush it!

Also read about film directing, its a must, after all, your puppets are your Actors, so camera work is soooooooooo important in Muvizu, it's Muvizus major strenths so try an get it right. Again think like an old school Movie Director, and have fun.

Remember Direct dont animate!


edited by artpen on 19/12/2015
edited by artpen on 19/12/2015
edited by artpen on 19/12/2015
19/12/2015 14:28:37

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
clayster2012 wrote:
artpen wrote:
What can I say, Buzzball is on duty again guys! Whaaaaa? happy Xmas everybody enjoy

This is dedicated to Danimal

edited by artpen on 17/12/2015
edited by artpen on 17/12/2015

I loved your video man, it made me laugh, hope to see more soon!

Thanks clayster, get well soon buddy!
19/12/2015 14:44:44

artpenMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 362
Thankyou all guys, Buzzball day 4, will be back next year sometime.

I'm collaborating on a new pilot for a new comedy series ( R.A.F.T )

For next year, more details to follow....

Its going to be Bumpy ride....

Thanks artpen
19/12/2015 14:55:14

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
Artpen - loving Buzzball. A genuinely original idea well executed.

artpen wrote:
If you have a good script, start planning, get your voice work done, get all yor assets together, then set your scene, get all the lighting done, honestly, Muvizu lets you think like a Movie director, sit back, move those Cameras about like if you are really on the set, it's total freedom, use it, dont rush it!

...and there you have it. Well said.
19/12/2015 15:12:18

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Since we're less than a week away from Christmas, how about a special holiday showcase of your favorite muvizu clips? By posting links in a forum post, we can comment like so many did on Artpen's Buzzball video. Yeah, we may have seen them before, but we may not have had the opportunity to COMMENT.

This is a great community of users, and a showcase celebration with comments would be a real community builder! It might also be good advertising for the product. (Remember the concept of "sell the dream".) There is no greater sales tool than a collection of positive reviews! And our positive reviews of your Muvizu creation will reflect favorably on the product as well as on your own personal creativity.

The Band In A Box software I use has a User Showcase forum on their web site, where people post the songs they've created with that product then others comment constructively. It is the most active forum on the web site. People help one another and get inspired. hint hint.
edited by PatMarrNC on 19/12/2015
19/12/2015 15:57:38

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
ukBerty wrote:
Artpen - loving Buzzball. A genuinely original idea well executed.

artpen wrote:
If you have a good script, start planning, get your voice work done, get all yor assets together, then set your scene, get all the lighting done, honestly, Muvizu lets you think like a Movie director, sit back, move those Cameras about like if you are really on the set, it's total freedom, use it, dont rush it!

...and there you have it. Well said.

LOL I am going to present an alternate point of view as someone who uses any old platform that makes me happy which is in essence "all of them" game engines like crysis, muvizu and others.

Anyhow I look at this as a comparison to real world with living breathing actors and the cgi world. Now in the real world the "animation" is done using coaching and coreography and sometimes you need to learn things like "kung fu" or get a stunt double and rehearse them as well.

Now in the world of animation and this includes muvizu the actors are much better behaved be them from muvizu or anything else. You can make the animation yourself or buy it ready made, but it actually boils down to the same thing. Some food for thought is "animating" really that far away from real life ? is muvizu really *that* different. It all comes down to who did what work for you in the end platform should not matter much in most respects and the only thing that you have to worry about is the dreaded graphical issue. The rest is all under the users control no matter the software .. well I guess the graphical issue is as well because you just pick your platform according to well the graphics it creates. (we can call that the camera I guess)

I dont know why this came to mind right now I guess I am in a thoughful mood.

and is a good place to discuss "directing"

which brings us to script.

I actually write original stuff but in many cases I use someone elses script. I have been working on a script that has taken me forever to come up with the ending. The lessons I learned in that deptartment came from textbooks over time. They say the beginning and ending is the hardest so do that first and then fill in the middle and go back and .. do it again so i am at the 'filling in the middle' stage. Anyhow when it comes to this issue I tend to pick a tool that will let me use the script I wrote instead of writing a script for the tool. So this is why I do some stuff in muvizu, some in crysis and some in iclone.

In all cases avatars, puppets are much better behaved then real life actors who get angry and fussy and want more money LOL.

So yeah I am at the finish line of a script I started a couple years ago. Its scifi and it will be done in iclone or crysis I have not decided yet. It simply wont work with muvizu. Its nothing against muvizu which I love for what it can do and it does it well, but when doing this stuff one should be picking the tool to match the job and not making the job to match the tool. There now it makes more sense Big Grin
edited by urbanlamb on 19/12/2015
19/12/2015 16:02:51

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
PatMarrNC wrote:
Since we're less than a week away from Christmas, how about a special holiday showcase of your favorite muvizu clips? By posting links in a forum post, we can comment like so many did on Artpen's Buzzball video. Yeah, we may have seen them before, but we may not have had the opportunity to COMMENT.

This is a great community of users, and a showcase celebration with comments would be a real community builder! It might also be good advertising for the product. (Remember the concept of "sell the dream".) There is no greater sales tool than a collection of positive reviews! And our positive reviews of your Muvizu creation will reflect favorably on the product as well as on your own personal creativity.

The Band In A Box software I use has a User Showcase forum on their web site, where people post the songs they've created with that product then others comment constructively. It is the most active forum on the web site. People help one another and get inspired. hint hint.
edited by PatMarrNC on 19/12/2015

Interesting idea, so we post our favourite videos made on Muvizu?
I'll happily participate if you make a thread for it.
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Home ? Your Videos ? Buzzball Day 3