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03/10/2016 14:43:47

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
We could use this thread to announce new uploads. I'll go first:

Part 2 in my ongoing series on LEGENDARY GUITARS and AMPS

Part 1 in an ongoing series on LEGENDARY GUITARS AND AMPS

edited by PatMarrNC on 03/10/2016
06/10/2016 15:14:35

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
I would like to add that my 2nd Fantasy Pack is now available in the store.
07/10/2016 18:15:20

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
uploaded to the store and awaiting approval: a grand piano for your music videos! The animation shown in the video below is still recorded in the set, so open the timeline and hit PLAY to see the same thing. Added bonus: custom hair for Mandy!

youtube demo video:

2D view from my modelling software:

edited by PatMarrNC on 07/10/2016
08/10/2016 05:37:20

Posts: 77
The piano is certainly very impressive, but a whole new hairstyle for Mandy seems like a newsworthy item all by itself! May I ask what program you used to create it?
08/10/2016 05:55:32

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
mindiflyth wrote:
The piano is certainly very impressive, but a whole new hairstyle for Mandy seems like a newsworthy item all by itself! May I ask what program you used to create it?

You make good points, Mindiflyth! I've been scratching my head trying to figure out what kind of content to create, and it's slowly dawning on me that common items that can be used in everybody's projects (like hair, cars, etc) are more useful to more people than specialty items. A set of new hairstyles fitted to the OBJ mannequins would probably be very useful to a lot of people!

In answer to your question, this particular hair was exported from Poser, (like the long curly hair BRAJ posted a while ago when he was still active on the forum.) I'll start including new hair styles on the musicians when I post sets of musical instruments I'm modelling.
10/10/2016 14:08:40

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Nice, all of it. Now you just have to hope Audi's lawyers don't get all upset...
10/10/2016 16:03:32

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
My new muvizu Hot Rod is now in t the store
22/10/2016 02:54:13

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
I uploaded this after closing time on Friday, so hopefully it will be available on Monday as a FREE download!

22/10/2016 03:16:21

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
That's fantastic Pat,its seems your getting the nack for modeling
edited by clayster2012 on 22/10/2016
22/10/2016 03:33:52

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
clayster2012 wrote:
That's fantastic Pat,its seems your getting the nack for modeling

Thanks for the kind words, Clayster! I've had several BIG learning curve breakthroughs in the past month... I still have a lot to learn, and my models still aren't to the point where I'd ask anybody to pay for them... but I'm getting closer.

I've been revisiting projects that were stalled because I didn't know how to proceed. (but now I do)
22/10/2016 03:37:52

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
PatMarrNC wrote:
clayster2012 wrote:
That's fantastic Pat,its seems your getting the nack for modeling

Thanks for the kind words, Clayster! I've had several BIG learning curve breakthroughs in the past month... I still have a lot to learn, and my models still aren't to the point where I'd ask anybody to pay for them... but I'm getting closer.

I've been revisiting projects that were stalled because I didn't know how to proceed. (but now I do)

Well your doing good buddy, maybe someday you and me should do a project together!
24/10/2016 15:22:49

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Just made it to the store today... (FREE... can't beat the price)
25/10/2016 13:37:18

WabbyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 98
Hello there, I'm so happy to see so much wonderful things in the store

And I'm so busy with my two young kids... one day I will have free time to make new movies, but for now I begin to put some of my assets in the store (sorry for the late, I have missed that it was open for months, now :cool).

So here is a first asset for free: a medieval well :

This model includes collision mesh so your characters can stand on it. This set includes some basic textures (made by me), you can put your own for each material if you want.

Please, let me know what you think about it (technically and artistically).

edited by Wabby on 25/10/2016
25/10/2016 14:58:56

Posts: 1
25/10/2016 16:05:06

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Just to let everyone know that my new Tropical Bird set Talking with Key Frame is known available in the store, I made a bit of a change to the beaks since I showed the last video, now they have multiple beak attachments to the head which makes easier to use, I even edit the timeline for the new beaks, and left the timeline in tact so it can be studied to learn from, but the song had to be token out due to copyrights but it can be downloaded and added again, the name of the song is the Lion sleeps tonight, anyways here's the link to the new Tropical Birds
25/10/2016 18:13:03

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
Wabby wrote:

Please, let me know what you think about it (technically and artistically).

Wabby, good to hear from you again! I was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering how you are doing! I was looking through my downloaded models and thinking that yours have always been among the very best! I look forward to seeing more videos and models from you... you do such nice work! If its from Wabby, it's always good!
26/10/2016 21:55:58

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
just submitted, awaiting approval...
26/10/2016 22:08:47

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
That's some nice transparency you got goin' on there!
30/10/2016 23:13:45

Posts: 359
Thanks everyone for contributing to props, etc. I am looking forward to using some, if not all of these in the future. I appreciate everyone sharing their creativity. It is very helpful for those of us starting out to have more choices.
31/10/2016 13:17:54

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
I watched a film biog about Robert Crumb recently, a legendary underground comic artist. It gave me the idea to create some stuff to enrich and perhaps add a bit of depth to our urban and rural scenes.The pylon and electric poles should be able to connect if needed and there are two variations of the telegraph pole one with not so many wires. Hope the community can use them.......Should be in the store soon....................FREE.
Stick them in your favourites for ease of use.

edited by drewi on 31/10/2016
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