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26/12/2016 21:52:51

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Hey everyone, I Have uploaded all of my old Star Wars character back into the store, guess their not back from the holidays yet, anyways I split them up in into different sets this time, The Empire, Rebellion, and Tatooine, I added 8 new characters to them and I improved the Storm Trooper so now he doesn't look all pixel with triangles and I gave him texture, I had them up before and you may have them already but youstill may want to download them again for the new Characters and improved storm Trooper, plus I made a Predator Character just out of boredom, I uploaded them Last Friday night and I guess the muvizu staff are still out or just busy, so hopefully they will be up before next week

edited by clayster2012 on 26/12/2016
28/12/2016 17:15:38

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
My dropbox has been hacked, so I had to take out all of my sets and cancel the service, I have all of my sets on USB,I am planning on moving everything thing to my Onedrive, but I'm not sure when or if I'll have them back up,so im sorry for the inconvenience!
edited by clayster2012 on 05/01/2017
28/12/2016 18:39:41

PatMarrNCMuvizu mogul
Posts: 1738
cool, Clayster! Thanks! I see a lot of new stuff here! How to make these attachments in Milkshape would be another really useful tutorial!
28/12/2016 18:44:45

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Yes I thought about doing a tutorial on attachments after the New Years, I'm getting my old job back so I will have to manage some time to do them.
edited by clayster2012 on 28/12/2016
28/12/2016 19:52:04

Posts: 32
I just bought this program 2 days ago and made a couple very quick videos for fun and loaded them on YouTube. I'm confused on these sets. You say they will be in the store when staff returns. Are these what you see when you go to import a scene and check Online? Then you save each character you want as a Favorite? I just found that a couple hours ago and was surprised at all the new scenes.

edited by comictude on 28/12/2016
28/12/2016 21:26:52

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
I did upload these over the weekend to the store, I'm guessing they will post them when they return, if not I will submit a ticket to support to make sure they got them, I just went ahead and posted links from my dropbox just in case anybody needed them now, what you see in the pictures is what will be loaded into your scene, once loaded up you right click on each character and go to edit, click on the favorite tab and click the save button at the bottom right, that will save each character to the characters favorites, once their in the store they will show up in the new scene box under the online section!
edited by clayster2012 on 28/12/2016
edited by clayster2012 on 28/12/2016
28/12/2016 22:45:15

Posts: 32
Thanks. Gonna take some time to wrap my head around all this.
28/12/2016 22:51:52

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 308
An amazing and beautiful body of work Clayster, exquisite...Awe and Applause.
28/12/2016 23:10:41

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Thanks dewi, I just want everyone to remember, I'm not taking credit for the star wars Characters, These are just recreation I made for the Muvizu Platform, The real and up most credit goes to Gorge Lucus for Creating these wonderful and fantastic sci fi characters that struck the imagination of everyone around the world, even thought Disney owns them now, But Gorge will always be The true father of Star Wars and Disney can never change that!

Your the Man Gorge Lucus!
edited by clayster2012 on 28/12/2016
29/12/2016 04:00:04

Posts: 77
These really are just amazing. With a little tweaking I can see that Chewbacca head making a great werewolf head!
29/12/2016 09:46:49

Posts: 110
What an admirable attention - also to small - but important - details.

You have fine-tuned the figures to look so "natural" - I mean: to me they do not look like easily drawn cartoon figures - but they are really something one would spend a month with creating a film.

Right now, om my monitor, Princess Leia is chasing C3PO - looks quite funny when she is running Muvizu-character-like - this we never saw in the original films.

Thank you.
29/12/2016 16:00:32

Posts: 359
Thanks once again Clayster. Now that Carrie Fisher has past away and her mother, maybe we will see some tribute videos. I know that Steve Martin removed his tweet saying that she was beautiful and smart for being sexist remarks. YIKES. I hope the world will let people speak what is on their mind without condemning them for being hateful when they are expressing genuine feelings. If Carrie Fisher looked like Chewbacca she would have played that role, and not Princess Leia. Instead she played the role of a beautiful princess.

I suppose I am ranting because there are so many times I do not say what I want or create what I want because I am afraid someone will not interpret it incorrectly and I will carry a label that is false, and have to defend myself for what I create. Humor and creativity is becoming more and more limited too fast for me. And even now I want to delete what I just wrote for fear it might upset someone. If it does I will come back to delete it.

That being said, I look forward to seeing how people use your gifts, Clayster. Thanks again.
29/12/2016 16:33:15

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
You did fine Rocgue, I see nothing wrong of what you just said, you need to express yourself more and never be afraid of what people think, as long as you hide from what you really want to do then you will never be heard or seen, and when Carrie Fisher past away my heart was broken, The Princess is gone at least from what I read they did rap up all of the shooting in Star Wars episode 8, so we will get to see her play her role one last time, and I know when I watch it I will be emotional, I'm sure when the film is released it will make a big hit at the box office because more people will see it so they can commemorate her like I will, and I have already planned a tribute video so I can commemorate her more, I'm a really big fan of star wars have been since I was a kid, I even have all of the star wars action figures from Kenner which is now owned by Hasbro, most of them are still in its packages and dated from the 70's and from what I know they are worth a lot of money, but I'll never part with them, they are apart of my child hood and my love for star wars, right now I have the Princess Leia doll on my computer desk to help me get inspired for my tribute.
edited by clayster2012 on 29/12/2016
29/12/2016 21:35:33

Posts: 359
Thanks for sharing that Clayster. I have an idea for a tribute, and might be able to start it today. I am glad you were able to collect all the action figures. Definitely hold on to them, because even if they make new sets they will never match the ones you have. I look forward to seeing your tribute.
05/01/2017 14:25:38

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
My dropbox I think has been hacked, when I tried to download one of my sets I think it infected my computer and damaged my hard drive on my desktop, so I took down the links so no one else will get hurt, I tried to cancel my dropbox service so if anyone still has the links please don't try to download them, I want to go back and check but Im afraid to, my laptop is all I got right now!
edited by clayster2012 on 05/01/2017
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Home ? Characters ? Character sets old and new