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12/05/2015 18:19:21

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
The lighting has changed (it now works properly at distance from the camera) but the backdrops haven't, as far as I know. Nice carriage btw, love the ads
12/05/2015 22:00:38

DreekoMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1257
Nice pics Fazz,

That's one roomy carriage you've got there! Is it the camera angle that makes it look that wide, or is it one major fat ass train? lol!

Backdrops wise, yes my recollection of the shadows is the same - ramp up the illumination and they would disappear. I take it that this is no longer the case?

12/05/2015 22:38:20

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
it could do with a bit of width reduction.Big Grin

yeah i had to turn off the shadows on the window part of the model to get rid of the shadows on the backdrops and angle the lights so the shadows from the rest of the models are below what is visible. its been quite a few months since i opened muvizu but im sure ive never had problems like that before. wack up the illumination and the shadows vanish. not anymore which is a pain in the arse
edited by fazz68 on 12/05/2015

very strange.... it only happens on that set? just tried with some random objects. muvizu ones, some ase imports and some fbx imports and no shadows. i'll have to investigate this further.
edited by fazz68 on 12/05/2015
13/05/2015 15:59:20

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
Nice fazz

Yes they fixed the lighting now it works LOL I can't remember now but is there not some way to turn of shadows on the lights? turn off the shadows on the directional main light and use lights inside the train to light it up for the shadows you know.. you actually want :P

If there isn't since they fixed the lighting they should probably add such a feature.. I might be getting my softwares mixed up..
edited by urbanlamb on 13/05/2015
20/05/2015 20:04:26

bigwallyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 399
NICK DANGER RETURNS! (maybe, possibly, if I can finish this0.

Here's a sample...

I am having a problem with white flashes appearing in the rendered clips. I suspect it has something to do with memory or my graphics card or driver. Oh well. Talking dogs, the evil Dr. Firesign makes an appearance, local politics, kidnappings, the bride of Firesign... well it's all too bizarre and I guess that is what is inspiring me. Coming soon (or later).
edited by bigwally on 20/05/2015
20/05/2015 21:03:34

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Love it already!
21/05/2015 02:57:20

drewiMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 306
so pleased.
21/05/2015 12:11:15

Posts: 272
Looking forward to the
return of Nick Danger. He has been gone way to long.
14/07/2015 17:52:29

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
16/07/2015 03:03:12

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
very nice mate

a little tester with all the new gubbings turned on....
edited by fazz68 on 16/07/2015
16/07/2015 06:05:45

ukBertyMuvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 975
fazz68 wrote:
a little tester with all the new gubbings turned on....

That's looking really great.
16/07/2015 08:20:11

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
Wow those both look amazing.
Fazz, how did you get the lights to illuminate the street without having the shadows of the lampposts?
16/07/2015 12:14:50

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Nice Fazz, nice! Until the dude walked on, you couldn't tell what 3d package this is shot in - Muvizu has come a long way. Okay, it's rather broke at the moment, but the future is still bright Cool

(I'm guessing the lamposts are separate objects set to not cast shadows?)
16/07/2015 13:00:45

(Account inactive)
Posts: 763
yup ziggy is correct about the lamposts. with the AO switched on it makes just enough shadow at the base i think. i do like the bloom feature, gives the lights a bit of boost .

you never know i might even make a proper animation soon Big Grin
edited by fazz68 on 16/07/2015
30/07/2015 11:34:26

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Hi clayster here, not new to muvizu, but my first time posting, just wanted
to share my idea of a series of Superdude spoofs Here's some screen shots of a few sets so for.

This is a set of Kirk Kent inside of his fortress of solitude.

and this one is a set of Jerpel in his lab back on planet Crapton before was destroyed. still working on this one.

This was a little difficult, using Hitfilm to make planet Crapton and its sun collied then exporting the video to muvizu as a texture for a backdrop, then scaling the ship to make it look like its coming toward the camera.

edited by clayster2012 on 30/07/2015

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edited by Jamie on 30/07/2015
30/07/2015 11:39:09

MrDrWho13Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 2220
These look pretty good, buy perhaps a little over exposed? It might just be the screenshots but it looks a bit too bright.
Of course I'm just picking at small details, the sets look top notch.
30/07/2015 11:48:06

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
thanks MrDrWho13, yea its the snapshots, I remotely acsess my computer with my phone and opened up muvizu and took snapshots that way, I'm not at home right now, I can update them when I get back.
30/07/2015 17:12:16

ziggy72Muvizu mogulExperimental user
Posts: 1988
Looking good Clayster. If you need to get the cape flapping in classic flying pose (rather than having Soop wearing it like a scarf!) then I'd advise you check this post :
30/07/2015 19:49:34

(Account inactive)
Posts: 1786
lol yeah i perfected the cape action in this trailer I think it was the first time anyhow its a bit of a pain in the rear but it works

this is dated now.. my muvizu set building has improved somewhat well for the outdoor sets anyhow
edited by urbanlamb on 30/07/2015
30/07/2015 20:25:58

clayster2012Muvizu mogul
Posts: 645
Hi guys, yea I'm looking into creating ways to animate the cape, I'm a good figure outer so i'll come up with something and I'll post it, anyways here's another shot of Superdude in the fortress with the camera angels, I can adjust the brightness but only with the cameras, have to remember its a scene of the fortress and its all crystal, so it will seem kind of bright till I use the cameras.

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edited by Jamie on 31/07/2015
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